Things to do for Earth Day 2023

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Things to do for Earth Day 2023

Earth Day is April 22nd, 2023 and to celebrate, we’ve compiled a list of activities and ways to take action this year to help support the sustainability of our planet. 

The theme for Earth Day 2023 is ‘Invest in our Planet’ where says “Get Inspired. Take Action. Be a part of the green revolution. For Earth Day 2023, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet.”

Sign Petitions

One of the easiest ways to help support a greener planet is to sign petitions. Visit to see what petition- from fast fashion to endangered specifies, need your signature and take the time to educate yourself and share them with your friends and family to bring more awareness and support. 

Join an event or host one yourself

There are always different events that run around Earth day each year. From marches, bike rides, community cleanups and craft events, you can search for events in your area here or register your own event to get others involved.  

Commit to using energy efficient transportation methods

Walking, biking, taking public transportation and carpooling are all great ways to reduce emissions and fall under greener transportation methods. If these are new methods of commuting for you, we recommend taking the leap and committing to these methods for the week of Earth Day as a start- you can do it!

Educate yourself and others to continue to be green and sustainable

There are always new ways of approaching sustainability and it is important to stay curious and educated so we can help others and do all we can to make a difference in our daily lives. Here is a list of environmental courses offered at schools across Canada. Although there are always new innovations and resources on sustainability, it is really important to look at others perspectives throughout history. In particular, learn about Indigenous perspectives on sustainability as Indigenous knowledge-keepers and Elders hold traditions and approaches that have sustained life and maintained resources for centuries. Incorporating Indigenous relationship-building practices can help inform modern solutions for multiple generations to come. We recommend downloading the Civic-Indigenous Placekeeping and Partnership-Building Toolkit.

Grow (and eat) more vegetables

Create a personal or community garden where fruits and vegetables can be grown. Learn more about tips, tricks, horticulture and soil health to set yourself up for a successful growing season. 

Start planning for next year

Earth day takes a lot of preparation and organizing. It is always a great idea to begin planning next year's events and participation to set even bigger goals and utilize others to help with planning. It’s exciting to see everyone come together to support our planet- happy Earth Day!

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